Astrology Reports
1. Personal (Astro*Talk)
2. Forecasting (Timeline)
3. Relationship (Friends & Lovers)
Astro*Talk is an easy to read professionally written natal (birth chart) report. Your report is based on the natal (birth) chart or personality horoscope. What you get is an up to 20 page analysis/interpretation of useful information. From a general level, the report points out how you tend to use your energy. It is a concise rendering of your natal (birth) chart, which I call a (chart of intersecting currents).
Your report combines the collective knowledge and experience of many leading astrologers.
I deem it as a helpful guide of how energy is usually applied in all areas of life. As nothing happens without energy, this report, based on your chart of intersecting currents, is a very practical tool.
The Astro*Talk astrology report (about 28 pages) is considered one of the most advanced astrological interpretations ever produced. “It combines the best of two worlds: the interpretive skills of leading astrologers along with the power of today’s personal computers to accurately calculate, weigh, and assemble the correct text based on the elements of a specific natal chart. The result — a report of unmatched precision and insight!”
Astro*Talk Report $20.00