A Bit of Astrology for Africa (2023)
The following bits from a previous Post may be useful.
6/12 Transiting r/Pluto at 29 AQ 58 is still within orb of a square to Sudan’s geodetic MC. It is also within orb of its natal r/Uranus at 1 Leo 8. The conflict may dwindle as Pluto moves back in Capricorn. There is an opening, from now until mid-January 2024, for common sense between the SAF and RSF to take hold.
Today, transiting Uranus is 23 minutes away from exact conj. with Mars’ north node; currently it is 19TA43. The world and not just Sudan reflects this movement. Dangerous times like this require drawing oceans of light as a mitigator, into earth.
For the Republic of Sudan. There are two birth times for Sudan. One will be given here. I will present another Bit on an earlier unilateral declaration chart for Sudan.
All sources of date and time came through contacts from a,
Cultural Affairs Specialist,
Sudan National Records Office,
Embassy of the United States of America, Khartoum , Sudan.
Sudan’s Rising Sign, Sun Sign and its House Placement
Sudan gained independence from the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium on 1 January 1956 at 9:00 am. Prime Minister Isma’il al-Azhari and opposition leader Mohamed Ahmed Almahjoub raised the new republic flag in Khartoum, the capital.

Sudan’s Flag is Hoisted at 0900 1/1/1956
Aquarius is the sign of unexpectedness, revolutionary change, reform and new epochs. It claims Sudan’s tropical Ascendant.
The natal Capricorn Sun represents Sudan’s leaders. It functions in the 11th House of groups and governing bodies. This house relates to organizations of people, instead of a single person. The higher ideal is that the many can choose, without loss of individuality, to act as One. The 11th House is the natural house of Aquarius.
Sudan’s initial form of government was called a parliamentary government. This political form highlights the Sun’s 11th House connection to legislative bodies.
Astrological Analysis of the Military Plus the North and South Divisions
All planets except Uranus are above the horizon line. This illumines the split between the north and the south. This division was already in motion before independence. Yet intensified when the central government decided against a previously promised federal system. The system would have been patterned after a union government, where both regions of the country would share power .
Sudan’s natal Moon is in Leo, ruler of the 6th House of the military. The Moon also squares Mars in Scorpio, co-ruler of the 9th and 10th Houses. Mars has rulership over government military forces, as well as militias, and violence. From a more esoteric angle, Mars is associated with the solar Plexus chakra. This center is known as the place of Peace. Only as peace and harmony circulate freely through the feeling body, can peace last. This peace arises from the inner spiritual Being within.
The natal Moon has rulership over the people, public force and women. Its disposition denotes how well the country fundamentally functions.
The Moon is less than 4 degrees from conjunction with Pluto. It is 2 degrees past a square with Mars and a little over 5 degrees from squaring Saturn. These measurements show a tendency for military or authoritative power to tackle national issues through violence. At present this is the way these energies are being deployed.
Sudan’s First Coup d’état
The first coup d’etat in Sudan was carried out on Monday, 17 November. It was executed by Staff Major General Ibrahim Abboud. The parliamentary regime was replaced by a military regime. On that day Sudan’s progressed Mars was 14 min. away from an exact square of the natal Moon. Mars, representing the military, squared the Moon. The Moon ruled the 6th House of the military and armed forces. What we see here is an alignment of the morphic field of the people of Sudan and the morphic field of armed groups.
On the day of the first coup, transiting Mars squared Sudan’s natal Moon and opposed progressed Mars. The transiting Sun was also in conjunction with progressed Mars. Prime Minister Abdallah Kahlil, is represented by the transiting Sun. He was replaced by a military body. Transiting Mars opposed the transiting Sun, which also conjoined progressed Mars. This political maneuvering by forceful means, is clearly illustrated by the progressed Sudanese chart for 17 November 1958. Yet there was another angle to this.
The Two Generals
The coup was orchestrated by the Prime Minister. He was himself a retired army general. What was forcibly changed was the system of government, aided by the PM. At the time the progressed Moon was in the 8th House of secrecy. It was intercepted in the sign of Libra, the sign of strategists and Generals. The coup plot was thoroughly planned and executed by two generals, one active and one retired.
Sudan, Pluto and the Moon
It is intriguing to look at Pluto’s 7th House position of public reactions to the state machine. It squares the midheaven and conjoins the star Regulus. With Pluto’s connection to Regulus, the tendency is to want as much power as possible. Pluto rules the midheaven. So anyone who would govern Sudan would be challenged by the test of power. The 7th House is also the ruler of streets where people gather, in many cases, to protest. Pluto and the Moon are in the 7th House. How many lives have ended in the streets, through protest? True leaders of people use power only constructively and judiciously and of course kindly. They possess a moral and spiritual radiation. They impel the people they serve to do improve themselves and to achieve great things. They also defend their people against harm from within and without.
Major Transits to Sudan’s Chart
What is going on in Sudan today? On Saturday April 15th 2023, Sudan’s progressed Midheaven was at 1 deg. 32 minutes of the revolutionary epochal sign of Aquarius. It opposed natal Uranus, in the 6th House of armed forces. These are, most notably the Sudanese Armed forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Also, transiting Pluto was within 1 deg. 15 mins of a conjunction to Sudan’s progressed Midheaven.
Transiting Pluto formed a transiting grand-square. It opposed natal Uranus, the Ascendant ruler. It squared natal Neptune, the 2nd House ruler. It also squared natal Venus, the 3rd and 4th House ruler. Transiting Uranus in the 6th House of the military and diverse military groups, squared natal Saturn and the natal midheaven. The accumulated power of these measurements was focused, like a laser, on 15 April.
Spiritual Solutions
The currents of the luminaries are so tensed in Sudan. They require the ameliorating influence of scientific prayer and positive lightning-bolts of thought.
One can direct the currents of the sacred fire of the heart into Sudan’s geographic coordinates. This can be accomplished through the image-making faculty of the mind. This spiritual support can saturate the ethers of Sudan, South Sudan, her bordering countries and those helpers on the ground.
5/20 The T-square involving transiting Mars in Leo opposed transiting Pluto in Aquarius, square Jupiter in Taurus, creates a temporary building (Jupiter) up of energy (Mars) to a maximized (Pluto) yet not necessarily an optimal level. It is like a kettle with the lid on, which, when released, requires the discipline of masterful minds and hands to direct the huge energy release into useful channels.
It is possible to have reconciliation between waring factions, though, it may not appear likely. This temporary alignment will reach an apex of tension around the 21st and 22nd of May.
5/17 What is happening in Sudan reflects its cosmic weather. Another 91 years will elapse before prog. Uranus passes a reasonable orb of distance, from important contacts in Sudan’s chart. The leaders of the country have a long period to learn to use Uranian energy judiciously. The trine of prog. Uranus to the MC and sextile to the IC corresponds to the present conflict over which general will control Sudan. Uranian energy is accelerating movement towards a new step, especially when contacting Sudan’s 4/10 axis.
The use of the Violet Laser Light can help here…Esoterically, Uranus is called the planet of the violet force. Progressed Uranus, ruler of the 1st House, is in the 6th House of the military. It also trines natal Saturn (constitution, laws of the country), ruler of the 12th House (displacement and homeless people), and co-rules the Ascendant. The general’s actions and the groups they command, affect the whole country and its people. It is useful to send the violet ray to Sudan’s coordinates, and to South Sudan. (The Moon [people] rules the 6th House of the military (Armed forces of SAF and paramilitary RSF). It has progressed into the 12th House of the uprooted.)
Other confirming measurements of the present state of affairs in Sudan, are transiting Pluto, conjunct the prog. MC, and its opposition to natal Uranus retrograde, the Ascendant ruler, and tr. Pluto’s square to natal Neptune, the ruler of the 2nd House. Its economy is suffering due to destruction of infrastructure and potential sanctions.
When Neptune and Pluto are involved, there is much more to a thing than what is publicly presented. Who will gain from an orchestrated power vacuum? Still, the sending of violet laser light to the country and its people is required. (Link to: The African Astrologer Report on Sudan.)
5/12 The horoscope for the AfCFTA (Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement) has Aquarius at the Ascendant. Uranus in Taurus is 50 min. into the 3rd House of trade. The Sun in the 4th House, which rules the 7th House of international relationships, is in Gemini (traders and merchants).
Mercury in Gemini is also in the 4th House. It opposes Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius, in the 10th House. The planets of local and international trade (Mercury and Jupiter) square Neptune in Pisces intercepted in the 1st. The ideal of unifying local and international trade, among African nations, by gradually deleting border restrictions (Neptune) drives the tension of the T-square. The chart is for the time the AfCFTA came into force.
5/8 Two horoscopes germane to the African Union, have Uranus conjunct :
The Ascendant, for the African Union’s inaugural session
The Descendant, for the entry into force of the AU’s Constitutive Act.
5/6 The African Union’s chart has a Leo Ascendant, with seven planets on the eastern side. On the west are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, which are retrograde and naturally point back to the eastern section. A general idea regarding the thrust for a purpose of the African Union is:
5/4 In any country the 4th House rules the people and political parties not in power. The 10th House governs the ruling party and its government. The dominant political party, in polarity with opposition parties, are a sensitive arrangement of political forces. When the planet of sudden change (Uranus) by progression or transit, contacts one of these areas, it contacts both at once.
The current tumult in The Republic of Kenya coincides with direct currents from Uranus and more.
5/2 Sudan’s Geodetic 4th and 10th House cusps receive tense contacts by transiting retrograde Pluto, since 22 March. Let’s look at this in the context of Sudan’s highly strained political transition to civilian leadership.
Tr. Pluto in Aquarius brings extreme (Pluto) revolutionary forces (Aquarius) into play. The point of contact for these forces are the 4th and 10th House cusps.
The group not in power (RSF), the land and its peoples (4th House) and the group in power (SAF) and its military ruler (10th) are responding to the tautened forces of Pluto’s square. Tr. Pluto reached its highest point, in its applying square to the 4/10 axis, on 1 May, before turning retrograde.
Already there is talk of negotiation. Pluto’s apparent lack of increasing celestial motion and its gradual reduction by minutes, from squaring the geodetic 4th/10th cusp, syncs up with the now extended truce. There appears a lessoning of violence there.
Mid-June till January 2024 allows time for cosmic balance to flood the ethers. Pluto’s currents back away from the GDC 4th/10th cusp. At the same time, tr. Pluto retrograde was in close opposition to natal Uranus. Uranus is Sudan’s Ascendant ruler. The tension of space there is heightened. Hence, the uneasy currents in the political structure of Sudan’s transitional government. The unstable effects on the land and its people, coincides with these patterns.
The charged atmosphere in Sudan naturally invites the African Union to bring to apply efficacious solutions. This reflects the astrology bit for 5/1, concerning the AU’s prog. Moon in the 8th House.
5/1 The progressed African Union Moon is advancing through the 8th House. It hasn’t passed through this sector of the chart before. It crossed into the 8th cusp on Tuesday, 9 February 2023.
Thus began a new wave of acceleration for the continental body. Both the Aries prog. Moon and the 8th House have affinity with Mars. Pluto (renewal) is the modern ruler of the 8th too. Every new cycle has its key and effective action is it. The AU’s Peace and Security Council (PSC) is tasked more than ever before with stepping up its capacity to resolve conflicts, especially, in Africa’s Sahel region.
The white-hot fire of transformation (8th House) tempers and refines the AU’s group vision and capacity to act effectively, especially on behalf of Women and young girls and the people (Moon) of Africa.
The Moon rules the 11th House (AU as a group, and its goals). The prog. Moon enters the 9th House on 1 December 2025.