Astrological Insights into Uganda’s 2026 Elections

Kampala, Ugandan Capital
In Astrological Insights into Uganda’s 2026 Elections, 4 planets make huge contributions:
Planetary Contributors
Uganda’s natal Ascendant (4CAN11) and Midheaven (4AR49) will receive the rays of Pluto, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus, respectively. These will take place on 12 January to 9 February 2026.
What are 5 Planetary Contacts to Uganda’s Government Structure?
Transiting Pluto (1) exactly sextiles the natal Midheaven on Monday, 16 February 2026. It will simultaneously reach an exact conjunction with natal Saturn (government structures) on Tuesday, 10 March 2026.
Transiting Saturn (2) exactly squares Uganda’s Ascendant (country as a whole) on Saturday, 21 March 2026. It simultaneously conjoins its Midheaven (Museveni government) by degree. Saturn’s exact conjunction, to the minute, occurs five days later, on Thursday, 26 March.
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Uganda’s Natal Chart
Transiting Neptune (3) (new vision as a replacement) squares the natal Ascendant on Sunday, 7 June 2026, while simultaneously conjoining the Midheaven, by degree. Neptune will reach its closest point (24 minutes to exact) on Monday, 6 August 2026, before going retrograde.

Teacher Instructing Ugandan Students
Uranus (4) (acceleration of events) will exactly sextile Uganda’s Ascendant on Saturday, 11 July 2026, then retrograde over that point on 14 November. It will transit over that point again on 29 April 2026.
Uganda enters Mercury Dasa (5) on Wednesday, 18 March 2026. In Uganda’s Janma Kundali (Indian/Vedic chart) Mercury is:
a) Retrograde b) Combust c) Is not saved, though it has Bhadra yoga or Mercury in its own house. Being angular and nearly exalted gives some powers. Opposing parties (4th House) have a steep way ahead but anything is possible.
Uganda’s Opposition Parties and Mercury (Buddha) Retrograde
Mercury retrograde (Dasa and Bhukti) will govern the country from 18 March 2026 to Monday, 14 August 2028. In Astrological Insights into Uganda’s 2026 Elections, Mercury rules and occupies the 4th House. Thus political parties other than the National Resistance Movement NRM, Museveni’s party. In the Navamsa Mercury is in the problematic 6th House,
Mercury is:
Uranus and Uganda’s First Military Coup since Independence
When transiting tropical Uranus conjoined Uganda’s 4th cusp in 1971, two men were eating breakfast at the Apollo Hotel in Kampala:
“What do you wish for breakfast, sir?”
“What have you to offer?”
“We have scrambled eggs, fried eggs and bacon, smoked haddock, and we’ve had a
revolution during the night.”
“Say that again?”
At 4:00 pm, on Monday, 25 January 1971, Colonel Idi Amin deposed President Milton Obote. (Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, front page.)
Amin took over when Uranus was transiting the 4th House (the land and her people). It was also conjunct Uganda’s natal Sun (head-of-state, vital life force). It rules the 2nd House (national economy and collective self-worth). Uranus opposed the progressed Midheaven (Obote’s toppled regime). Uranus (upheaval) remained in the 4th House until Tuesday, 19 October 1976.
Partly taken from my book: Celestial Configurations of Africa and the Caribbean.