Astrology, Elections and the Republic of Botswana
The Republic of Botswana elections are moving toward a series of governmental adjustments. The elections last night are an indicator of change. All elections are. Yet what kinds of general changes in Botswana can one expect?
Botswana’s Saturn Return
One is that the people of the land will make more of a force to be reckoned with, when it comes to the next six years. President Mokgweetsi Masisi’s Botswana Democratic Party, especially, with the country’s Saturn Return (which is a presidential marker) will have a serious challenge, next year, if he (Masisi) gets another term—to do something different. The astrology is tense now and will increase by early 2025
Usually the public challenge to any government is denoted by the 7th House, which is naturally square to the 10th. In Botswana’s updated chart Jupiter, the 7th ruler, will transit the natal Ascendant, and bring the weight of the 7th House into the 1st. This will happen on Monday, 12, May 2025.
Opposition Party Strength

Botswana Parliament Chambers
A trine of Uranus to the 4th House ruler, Venus, is operating now. Opposition parties, like, the Umbrella for Democratic Change UDC, Dumelang Saleshando of Botswana Congress Party (BCP) and Mephato Reatile of Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF) all receive support from Uranus, which also sextiles natal Saturn, the ruling (BDP).
Whenever Saturn and Uranus make contact with sensitive zones of a national horoscope at the same time, Uranus always brings something New. Whether the new is allowed depends upon whether or not the people of the country strongly desire to lift the veil toward the future. Change is not conformable yet it can be just that.
Uranus brings the light and fires of alteration an considering Astrology, Elections and the Republic of Botswana, as in South Africa’s election, where Uranus played a central part in bringing an alliance of parties, so in Botswana’s chart Uranus may call this election.
Botswana’s progressed Moon (2nd House ruler) gives a trine to natal Uranus in the 3rd. An alliance is possible, as Uranus rules parliaments and legislative bodies. As Botswana.
A Few thing for the Republic of Botswana in 2025
On Wednesday, 19 March 2025, transiting Saturn in Pisces will conjunct its progressed 9th position. Monday, 24 March transiting Saturn will square the 1st/7th House line, then on 9 April transiting Saturn will return to its natal position.
As of now transiting Uranus trines natal Venus, the ruler of the 4th House of opposition parties, most notably, the UDC. The blending Uranus and the two social planets (Jupiter and Saturn) affecting the 1st 7th and 4th Houses, is indicative of a social and political shift; and this is not an insular happening because change is in the air everywhere on earth.
See for more info on the elections in Botswana