New Book: Astrology, Light and the Future of America

Astrology, Light and the Future of America the Lines of the New Astrology with Ahmad Jones

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Excerpt from

Light, Astrology and the Future of America

Book cover about the astrology of America's future


Ahmad: We titled the conference, Astrology, Light and the Future of America, Q & a with Ahmad Jones…and I am honored to have been deemed worthy of such a conference title. I came prepared with a plethora of slides, but before I jump into the IRS’ birth chart, because Hans introduced this tax thing, I will share a quote with you about three ways of looking at a horoscope:

Astrologers would do well to remember that the influence of the constellations, signs and planets, work out upon three levels of awareness — three descending levels — and are felt first of all upon the mental plane, then upon the astral plane and finally upon the physical plane. But it is with this last plane that astrologers are primarily concerned emphasizing happenings and events and not their conditioning causes. At present, astrology deals with effects and not with that which is causing them. There is much confusion over this matter and the horoscope of the three levels are often much distorted. A horoscope which could be interpreted purely upon the mental plane is given a physical interpretation, and thus happenings which are entirely mental are portrayed as physical occurrences…[1]

Whether you appreciate the source of this material, which was written in 1941 by Alice Bailey, I invite you to experiment with its premise and prove to yourself if it has merit. As the commercial says, don’t wait, act now.

Audience: (laughter)

Ahmad: The essence of the above quote has been mentioned in other writings, using different words, not just Bailey’s.

So, the rest is up to you astrologers as your sharpen your perception beyond just the letter of the astrological laws, which have served all of us well in the past. This is one of the features of the lines of the new astrology. I impose no doctrine here even if I appear to walk on the fringe of pedantry. Now about those forces called taxes.

An A.P. wire, for The Los Angeles Times, for Saturday morning, 4 October 1913, stated:

Washington, Oct. 3 —surrounded by the leaders of a united Democracy, President Wilson signed the Underwood-Simmons tariff bill at 9:09 o’clock tonight at the White House. Simultaneously, telegrams were sent to customs collectors throughout the country by the Treasury Department, putting into actual operation the first Democratic tariff revision since 1894.

For context, this bill reestablished federal income tax collection, while lowering tariffs. From a purely physical standpoint Saturn is retrograde and rules the 8th House of taxes and co-rules the 9th and 10th houses. The sectors of taxes, foreign exchange and management, respectively, were brought to bear through this planet’s conjunction to the 1st House, which stands for the bill. Today, transiting Pluto conjoins natal Uranus, ruler of the tariff chart’s 9th House of foreign trade and the managerial 10th House. Pluto’s transit will hover around natal Uranus until about mid-January of 2027. And transiting Uranus adds pressure to the 10th and 4th houses, as the midpoint planet between these two sectors. It will meander around the zodiacal midpoint until June of 2025. Conclusion! The foundations of this 111-year structure may be shaken. Radical change-pressures are threatening to effect monumental alterations in American tax and tariffs practices.

The progressed Moon rules the 2nd House of the revenue acquired from taxation, also symbolized by the Moon. From February to March, it opposes progressed Pluto of massive amounts of taxpayer dollars. In connection with government shifts, these chart examples allude to a type of reversal or quasi obliteration of the tax system’s present form. This reminds me of six words from the Lord of the Rings The Two Towers…spoken in the Fangorn Forest, where Gandolf says, A thing is about to happen

Audience: (No more taxes!)

Audience: This is very interesting to me as a European…person.

Ahmad: You’re among friends here.

Audience: This is very interesting to me, a European woman.

Ahmad: You were still right the first time.

Audience: (mild laughter)

Ahmad: And you feel safe enough to get specific. Well astrology is that way too. How cool. Why is no more taxes interesting?

Audience: Many people, like Giles Merritt from that Brussels think tank, Friends of Europe wrote an article a couple of years ago about the EU’s future as a geopolitical entity. It is supposed to provide minimum levels of protection for women across the EU. And…someone from America… said that the EU essentially, “stripped nations of their sovereignty under the false pretense of economic unity and—”

Ahmad: May I interject Ms.

Audience: Hannah, this is my name.

Ahmad: Would you tell us where your lovely accent is from?

Hannah: Yes, I am German by birth but live in Manchester, England.

Ahmad: Thank you Hannah. Oh, you live in the city where the Fifth Pan African Congress was held, at Chorlton-on-Medlock Town Hall.

Hanna: Yes, I am familiar with Chorlton, My home is in Didsbury, in South Manchester. The hall is some fifteenish minutes away.

Ahmad: Well Hannah, you started something with the EU and its very pertinent. I may say something about that congress later.

Hannah: That would be great. I have searched and searched for the congress’ birth time. Okay I am very excited to learn something about the EU’s chart.

Ahmad:  The natal chart is compelling. It is called the Treaty of Maastricht, which came into force on 1 November 1993 and gave birth to the European Union. Its headquarters was located in Maastricht, Netherlands. Most of us are conscious of the fact that transiting Pluto, at around zero degrees Aquarius, is within range of the midpoint between the 4th and 10th Houses, while transiting Uranus has already opposed natal Mercury the 2nd and 11th House ruler, both houses which govern currency. Transiting Uranus is on the verge of a conjunction with the EU’s natal Moon in the 10th and the opposition to the natal Mars-Pluto conjunction in the 4th, its foundations. The fact that this is Uranus’ first major contact with this 4th House stellium and the natal Moon is huge. The Buffalo News, For Monday, 1 November 1993, on page 4, had this to say and this aligns with most of the planets in the northern section of the chart.Astrology chart of treaty of Maastricht

The European Community’s Treaty on European Union came quietly into effect today, without any of the fireworks that marked its rocky passage. In another section of the same paper, it reads. Despite its low-key entry, the treaty marks a new era for the EC, effectively establishing ‘European Citizenship’ for the nation’s inhabitants.

Audience: That’s pretty spot on.

Ahmad: Yes. The force of Scorpio through its stellium, really underscores its 4th House placement. Family politics. Here is the natal Moon in Taurus, the aggregative sign and the Moon’s rulership of the 12th House of very large institutions, working behind the scenes. Now transiting Uranus applies to a square of natal Saturn in the 7th which forms the midpoint of a T-square with the natal Moon Mars-Pluto opposition. Some say, like Mertz of Germany, that the EU has taken on too much debt and is heading for a financial crises. One last piece for this part is the foundation stone of the EU, when Italy, France, Western Germany, Belgium, Holland and Luxemburg came together to forge a European Common Market, called: The Treaty of Rome.Horoscope of the Treaty of Rome

Hans: Very dramatic astrology. I remember a guy called Roscoe Drummond, a writer for the Hartford Currant. He wrote that this Rome treaty was An Epochal Event[2]. Wrote about Euratom, where those six countries merged their resources to produce atomic energy, besides building a continent-wide European market.

[1] Bailey, Alice, Esoteric Astrology, Lucis Trust, New York, pg. 216.

[2] The Hartford Currant, for Wednesday, March 27, 1957, pg. 14

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