New Book: Astrology, Light and the Future of America

Astrology, Light and the Future of America

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Excerpt from

Light, Astrology and the Future of America

Book cover about the astrology of America's future


Ahmad Jones: Yes, there are more contributing elements. Yet for now we’ll key in on Uranus germane to the executive branch. The U.S. government’s progressed Midheaven or 10th cusp is now in Gemini at 8 degrees and 55 minutes. Gemini energy is changeable enough, even without Uranus, because of its affinity to duality.

For example, Donald John Trump is a Gemini. How does his energy signature relate to the present U.S. progressed Gemini Midheaven? It is a very important question to ask now. To reiterate, natal Uranus is at 8 degrees and 55 minutes. The Progressed Midheaven is closing in for an exact conjunction with natal Uranus in the 6th House, the sector that is traditionally considered to be a distressful area. By the way, the 6th House includes civil service, jobs and unions. Both presidential candidates had emphasized American jobs and this relates to the fact that the progressed U.S. Midheaven/natal Uranus conjunction occurs in the 6th House. Who remembers what one of the protest points was?”

Audience: In relation to…Uranus? Automation and workers being replaced by robots.

Ahmad Jones: We will see and hear more talk of human versus ‘automation and semi-automation’, which employees (6th House) consider job killers. Kevin O’Leary brought up the fact that people control automation and that its increase still requires qualified people to run them. It’s a good point.

So, for the first time since 4 July of 1776, the nature of Uranus is being brought to bear on our government, by progression, and what we have seen, if we give a wide orb of 3 degrees, with the same number of years—going back to 2021—the progressed Midheaven was already in orb of Uranus’ natal position. We’ve seen the appearance of government instability, as a prelude for something different in the nation’s capital. The Capital Building on 6 January is a clear case of this, whether instigated by the Deep State or not. At present, America’s new international image will reflect most of the aspects to its natal Midheaven:

  1. Pluto trines the U.S. Midheaven on Monday, 27 January 2025. It will be within 1 degree on Thursday, 26 December 2024.
  2. Transiting Neptune conjoins the U.S. 4th House and opposes the Midheaven on Monday, 2 May 2025. It comes to within 1 degree on Thursday, 24 April 2025.
  3. Transiting Saturn comes to within 1 degree of a conjunction to the U.S. 4th House and opposition to the Midheaven. This occurs on Sunday, 8 June 2025. It exactly conjoins the 4th House on Sunday, 6 July 2025. Many Americans and politicians from other countries have asked who is running the U.S.
  4. Transiting Uranus comes to within 1 degree of a trine to the natal Midheaven, on Friday, 1 August 2025

All of these planets: Saturn, retrograde, Uranus, Neptune retrograde and Pluto retrograde, will closely impact the natal 4/10 axis from late July and all of August of 2025. I’ll talk about President Biden’s withdrawal from the race in a moment. Now, for your question about Trump. When he became the president-elect on Tuesday, 8 November, 2016, the U.S. progressed Midheaven had reached zero degrees Gemini 46 minutes, for the first time since the Declaration of Independence was signed.”

Audience: That is un…canny.

Ahmad Jones: Indeed! It was.

Audience: How many minutes was it into Gemini?”

Ahmad Jones: It was 46 minutes, which is the year that Trump was born.”

Audience: That’s very interesting. So, the U.S. progressed Midheaven had reached zero degrees and forty-six minutes of Gemini, the same degree and minute of Gemini-born Donald J. Trump, when he was elected. Unbelievable!

Ahmad Jones: A word that Trump uses quite often.

Audience: Incredible!



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