Astrology, Cameroon and the October 2025 Elections

Astrology, Cameroon and the October 2025 Elections.Cameroon's Flag

The Sun-Saturn Connection

Let us  start with the tropical natal Sun-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn. It is a major  factor in the life of Cameroonians, which can account, with a few other key measurements, for the centralization of power in the governments of Ahmadou Ahidjo and Paul Biya. The conjunction is related to the 1 January 1960 natal chart, for midnight, at Yaoundé. It was when Cameroon (spelled Cameroun then) attained independence from France. This is the first of several charts yet the one being used for this short presentation.

The conjunction tied Cameroon’s primary energy (Sun) to bureaucratic, contractive and controlling forces (Saturn) of corporate and political power structures (Capricorn). Saturn is considered one of the lords of karma and its position, so close to the symbol of Cameroon’s vitality, is meaningful.

Saturn’s Role in the African State of Cameroon

Endurance is a Saturn trait. This endurance (Saturn) relates to Cameroon’s present head of state (Sun) and his holding of that office for over 40 years. Saturn’s rulership of elderly people is apt in this case. Yet whatever begins in time also ends in time and this includes political office. The conjunction lies in the 4th House of the common people and opposition groups. This sector illustrates, through the Sun and Saturn, the nearness of the state (Sun) and its concentration of power as the status quo (Saturn) within the domain of the people of Cameroon (4th House). The nearness of the government with the everyday lives of the people would accelerate political consciousness in the people of the land. Cameroon Natal Chart

A political transition in Cameroon is being discussed as well as no political transition. The natal Moon (people, popular opinion) is in Aquarius (cooperation). Many political parties are being forged by groups of people (Aquarius) who have felt Saturn’s effect on their lives (Sun). (Saturn is the co-ruler of Aquarius, which is the sign the Moon is in.) Let us look at two symbols of the people (the Moon and 4th House).

 1. The Moon (people, public opinion and general mood) in Aquarius, brings the pressure of authority (Saturn co-rules Aquarius) to bear upon the masses.

 2. Saturn in the 4th House (people of the land). The state machine (Saturn) inside the domain or living conditions of the overall population (4th House).

With Cameroon’s natal Moon in Aquarius the people (Moon) can become an effective force for constructive change by pulling together as one (Aquarius). Change from what to what? Specificity is required of those who are to be the pioneers of the future of Cameroon, which can be all Cameroonians and not just a single person or party. This involves calling on the Spirit of Brother-Sisterhood to reconcile  appearances of division, which was put in place by the French and English systems. It has been stated that there are no Francophones nor Anglophones, just one people united by a clear vision and love for Cameroon and each other. The talk of civil war is based on the illusion of separateness. Talking about and being civil to one another, now that immediately alters the program.

“Thought attracts a corresponding action.”

“Thought attracts positive currents like a magnet and repels negative ones like a shield.”

Uranus and Things as they Are

The planet Uranus is the primary ruler of Aquarius. The rays of Uranus disturb the status quo (Saturn). This sign is an instigator of revolutionary change and with the presence of the Moon in Aquarius, fueled by its square to natal Neptune (a new vision) the 2025 election will be epochal.

Another thing worth mentioning concerning Astrology, Cameroon and the October 2025 Elections is that our solar system is moving closer to the constellation of Aquarius and absorbing its transmutative rays. It is the sign of true brother-sisterhood and spiritual freedom. This quality can be united with Cameroon’s astrology. This new freedom, from a political vantage point, of the people of Cameroon, existed at the beginning, in 1960. It was always there, through the natal Moon in Aquarius and its rulership of the 10th House of the country’s executive branch of government. Freedom (Uranus) exist along with discipline (Saturn), the ruler and co-ruler of Aquarius. The two energies can work together but by nature Saturn indicates the old and Uranus the new.

It is useful to contemplate Cameroon’s future, in the present; many times a day. One can help much by visualizing sheets of light around the country. A map is a useful means to put this into the context of a spiritual practice. To see a different picture of the beloved country and its people is a scientific way to bring about transformations, not only in the country but in oneself.

This practice alters astrological patterns, via the power of heart-centered thought that can bend the beneficent rays of the luminaires toward positive matrices. It is said that without a vision the people perish yet with a clear vision the ship of state rides the outgoing tide to one positive accomplishment after another. Meditation symbol

Cameroon’s Aquarian Moon is in the 5th House of the soul. Esoterically, this house is tied to the solar presence and to soulfulness, through the Sun and Leo, which are the natural rulers of the 5th House.

Here are a few things that suggest a new or different election outcome, in this piece on Astrology, Cameroon and the October 2025 Elections. 

Transits and progressions for 1 October 2025

Ballot Box

  1. Progressed Moon (people, especially women) reaches 0 degrees Cancer. This degree is known as the Aries Point, a very critical area in the wheel of the signs.
  2. Progressed Jupiter (laws) reaches 0 degrees Capricorn opposing the progressed Moon. Jupiter is also on the Aries Point. The law (Jupiter) will play a critical role in the elections. 
  3. Neptune at 0 degrees Aries, forming a T-square to the Moon-Jupiter opposition. 
  4. Progressed Midheaven at 9Virgo38 minutes is just a few minutes away from an exact trine to the Sun-Saturn conjunction. Here is an incidence of the progressed 10th House cusp, applying to a trine with these natal planets in the 4th House of opposition groups. 
  5. The T-square occurs in the cadent houses 3, 6 and 9. These are houses of transition, which lie between a succedent houses or a fixed point of established structures to an angular house or point of synthesis and fusion.

Thank you for reading. More to come.

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Link to more stuff. Cameroon’s 1961 federal natal chart 

Quote #1 Infinity I #130
Quote #2 Fiery World I #344


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