Pisces, Aquarius and the March of Events

Pisces, Aquarius and the March of Events

by Raphael Posted, 9 August 2024—-6 minute read

Aquarius, whose keynote is I Know, is the sign of the in relation to the march of world events. And Pisces, whose keynote is I Believe, is the sign of the past. These definitions are a necessary oversimplification, for the purposes of this article. The two colossal sign energies coincide in space more closely now, as viewed from an earthly perspective. Pisces is decreasing its emotionally-centered influence while Aquarius is increasing its thought-centered influence in the world. This is not to say that Pisces energy lacks thought or logic, or that Aquarius’ energy has no feeling. Yet for some the confusion of these changing energies is a stark one, while others may not track their subtle modifications of world energy.

The urge To Know is gradually replacing the tendency just To Believe. Though belief without substantial evidence was useful, since more than two-thousand years ago, it no longer is sufficient for today’s humanity. Belief must now be supported by direct-knowledge, which is Self-Knowledge. People en mass are swiftly becoming more inclined to engage in more due-diligence, when reading or seeing what is commonly accepted as the news. This fact is an example of change, from simply believing all or most of what is strategically presented by the conventional media, to peering behind the scenes and deep beneath the surface of things. Though there are strong forces bent on maintaining world illusion, Aquarian energy has already corresponded to major shifts in the collective consciousness.

It may be asked, “Who then is more devoted to truth, he who sinks into the narcosis of illusion or he who is ready to encounter reality with keenness and courage?”

The new epoch is one where people are coming to know and commune with their own Source. So, Earth is at a point-of-crises, where the Piscean Age and Aquarian Age are moving out of phase. We are on the precipice of a time where new currents are being assimilated, with ease and with difficulty. It is helpful to keep in mind that the universe is a gigantic laboratory. We are all co-workers in it and the chemistry of space is in a state of continual modification, just like the Solar Wind, which changes its speed every few seconds. To remember one’s Source, while daily laboring through the current miasma of the world, is a useful method of keeping one’s energies in balance. Though battles are being waged in far away places their effects cover the world and find there way into one’s living room. Thought about one’s Source is a useful deflector of the arrows. The times require a different approach to conflict, besides the obvious physical yet temporary diplomatic panaceas.

As every cycle has its call, one key of the dawning Aquarian Age phase is cultivating the Spirit of Brother/Sisterhood. This spiritual energy of Brother/Sisterhood is not an abstraction but a real energy that perfuses space. One has only to contemplate it often, before the feeling of this current is acknowledged. It can be felt at any time because it is a cosmic principle, which is instrumental in keeping the planets of a solar system in orbit around a solar center of love, as well as holding together millions of galaxies, around a galactic center of love. One can feel the Spirit of universal Brother/Sisterhood by gazing at the beautiful sky during sunset. The experience of joy, harmony and empowerment that occurs when looking at the sky, comes from the power of Spirit that pours like a river through the atmosphere at all times. It is this Spirit of Universal Brother/Sisterhood, which is the honoring of the One Life in all, that is on the increase, and this is related to the emerging agency of Aquarius and its ruler Uranus.



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