Session Highlights


The Session Highlights consist of three or four pages of useful information, based on our discussion.

Star of the Hero, Nicholas Roerich, 1936

Star of the Hero, Nicholas Roerich, 1936

The SH document supplements your astrology session. It is available as an addition to the session yet not a prerequisite of the session. I offer this because in the past I sent helpful notes about sessions that were sometimes a few pages long.

My notes required much more time to do after a few years. I decided to offer this as a service because it started to become an entity in itself. Important moments during the discussion are cited and extrapolated, to help you better appreciate and apply what we discussed. For example, important dates in the past or future are noted, so the client can make plans ahead of time; and to be able to better comprehend the meaning of past events.

The SH functions as a general record, not only of out time together but serves to acquaint you with deeper and more richer facts from the horoscope (s). Mind you the session itself is enough. Yet most times the SH presents further heart-inspired direction that extends the chart data into domains where greater possibilities for your can come to the fore.

The SH grow like a tree of life out of our consultation-discussion. To me it is an addendum of light.

Please allow up to 48 hours to get the SH, via your email.


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