South Africa’s Astrology: A New Dispensation

South Africa’s Astrology: A New Dispensation

Pretoria, executive capital South Africa

Uranus’ Association with South Africa       

        In South Africa’s astrology new highly intense currents are pouring through old structures. It is a new dispensation. Though subtle these cosmic whirlwinds are upsettingly electrical and fiery (Uranus). There is nothing inherently bad about upsetting the status quo. When certain patterns are upset a different more useful one can emerge. But right now some organizational structures in place (Taurus) since 1994 are crumbling. Government structures are being disturbed aloose within the context of Executive and Parliamentary authority. (10th and 11th Houses, respectively.) City of Cape Town, for South Africa's AstrologyUranus is a significator of legislative bodies. Its presence, just inside the 10th House, portends an altogether different Parliamentary (Uranus) pattern, a sharing of executive authority, affecting the presidency. Uranus’ transit for the next five years traces a course of new beginnings for the Republic of South Africa. 

        In a recent video, I said “the ANC (African National Congress) could play a non-dominant role within a new governmental structure.” The numbers on the National Ballot board show that the ANC had not garnered a majority in Parliament.

        An altogether different model of government, that serves the essential requirements of all South Africans, is possible and realizable. Electricity is a fundamental requirement, for urban and rural South Africa. Uranus symbolizes this fiery element and is transiting the presidential sector (10th House). 

        All Political Party Members Can Work Together without Enmity 

        Uranus coalesces many currents and this applies to different parties and people. So, South Africa’s challenge is for its leadership to co-create and develop a government based on harmony and the Spirit of Brotherhood. Uranus comes as the celestial ambassador of group consciousness, to the many political entities, who contested in the elections. Uranus’ currents are gathering the major parties (ANC, DA, IFP and others into a union. Transiting Uranus’ conjunction to the Nodal Axis, implies unusual (Uranus) connections (Nodal axis) among many parties.

        The elections are Essentially about Good Governance:

a) Sparklingly clean water, high quality food and electricity
b) Responsible Law Enforcement and medical entities that maintain a high degree of safety and essential services for the people
c) New as well as improved infrastructure
d) Opportunities for college and university graduates to work in their fields of expertise,

        The job of Uranus, like Aquarius and the 11th House, is fellowship of the highest order. The use of this Post is not to simply read its words. Because these words come from thoughts and thoughts are things. Thoughts about South Africa do indeed influence all South Africa and South Africans. One person, who considers themself to be a citizen of the universe, may experience a noticeably expansive feeling through their body in all directions, when they help through thought. This experiment indicates how a single person can touch all of South Africa, through constructive thoughts.

        No political system can produce results, when the key players manifest enmity among themselves. So the coming age requires all creations, including political systems that guide government, to be based on respect and honor. Without these ingredients no country ever truly prospers. It is interesting that natal Mercury (intellect and speech) also rules South Africa’s 2nd House of the nation’s overall economy.

        The leadership’s capacity to engage in harmonious dialogue (Mercury) will translate into greater wealth (2nd House) for the people of South Africa. Yet all South Africans must comprehend how constructive thought, with physical work, can build a more beautiful country. Please see Cameroon’s call to action concerning the power of thought.

Updated South Africa Chart, one of many chartsSouth Africa Chart

        Pluto’s transiting trine to natal Mercury brings an increased capacity of the people to transform their thoughts (Mercury) about government (10th House). Mercury’s 11th House rulership opens a window in time. The trine provides a platform for harmony, among powerful political entities, to gather together in unity and talk, kindly, of what they would contribute toward a more healthy and prosperous nation.

        This must be done now, to anchor a general atmosphere of harmony throughout the county. By mid-July 2024 this harmony, especially, among all so-called opposition groups, must have a shield. So, I ask all who read this post if they would consider thinking of light often and directing it to the people of South Africa. It is significant and helpful to appreciate how all things have their origin in light,; therefore, to enfold all of South Africa in light, even for a minute, many time in a day, through the picture-making faculty, is to create conditions, whereby the people of that land move in light. 

        Harmony (not to be confused with inaction) act as a shield of lightning. A Shield of LightningUranus’ transit, opposing natal Pluto in Scorpio in the 4th, is forming now. It reaches it apex of force through July and again through October, then April and May of 2025. This movement portends the intensification of energies of emotionally gigantic proportions. It is wise to consider the already gathered opposition groups that have already formed their own coalition as a challenge to the Government of National Unity. The chart is very clear about the stakes. No political system will work, in the long run, when honor and respect is absent. but this is not about political parties. To serve is the people is the highest purpose of all true leaders.

Contemporary leaders think that they are building the New World, but it enters no one’s mind that their New World is a grimace of the old. The New World proceeds by new paths. A new path of true fellowship in service to the Spirit of South Africa can be established by the labor of the heart united with constructive thought and physical action.

If balance and constructive exchanges, among the GNU and the other groups, is established before mid-year, 2024 then the new currents of space can invigorate a Holy Spirit of Brother-sisterhood and Cooperation.




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